Agilid - Simplifying IT
Call us at:   (347) 234-5905

Agilid IT Consulting

Agilid offers Operational and Technolocy IT consulting services for a number of platforms. With over 30 years of combined experience in information technology implementation and management, Agilid has the deep background in designing and delivering effective IT solutions to provide invaluable guidance with IT planning, analysis, assessment, and deployment projects.

Our consulting services focuses on gaining a clear understanding of your business objectives, and analyzing your current environment, your needs and technical challenges. Our thorough knowledge and experience with a broad variety of industries, best practices, technologies, and standards gives us a firm background for understanding vast array of IT related problems and allows us to provide you with highly effective recommendations to address your specific needs. Then we can design the IT program to deliver the desired results, and advise you further on the implementation, management and support for your system.

We provide the following IT Consulting services:

Contact Us

Should you have any questions, feel free to peak with someone about any of our IT Consulting services and we'll be happy to answer all your questions.

Call us at (347) 234-5905, or send an e-mail to

FREE Assessment

Get a FREE Agilid IT Assessment

Creating the best maintenance program for your business requires a proper evaluation of your current IT environment.

We offer a FREE assessment of your IT infrastructure to help determine you current support needs.

The assessment will answer key questions and help formulate a more effective, responsive, and preventative support plan with a significantly lower annual cost.

Our IT Assessment includes:
  • Network design assessment
  • Hardware inventory assessment
  • Software updates assessment
  • Backup solution assessment
  • Network bandwidth assessment
  • Email assessment
  • Remote access assessment

Contact us to learn more ...

Free Consultation

Contact us and we'll be happy to set you up with a FREE CONSULTATION.

Call:   (347) 234-5905